Sunday, July 26, 2009


Seriously! I rejected the 10-10-10 chemical fertilizer this year in favor of a bag of Cock-a-doodle-doo, chicken poo!

Granted, the whole garden is 5 yrs old and most of the plants are divided from old stock. So I'd expect it to be pretty robust. Plus, we've had more rain this year than I ever remember. Having a lot of funky rust and fungi issues. Also, the Japanese Beetles are outrageous! We've kind of let them go, the kids make games out of collecting and squishing them.

But I do believe this chicken poo works like a charm! My gardens are pretty much a mess, and even after 4 hours of weeding yesterday, I had to resort to round-up for the low stubborn weeds, pulling the 4 ft tall ones myself. Would that flower varieties would learn to stay where I put them! But nooooooo, they have to go wandering around, making a big pizza pie of color. Some desperately need rescuing from the onslaught of black eyed susans & baptesia, some just look silly hidden between gobs of yarrow.

Enjoy a walk through the garden. Tomorrow, back to boogie shoes!


  1. Your garden is amazing. Inspiring.

  2. You got a beautiful place there! Looks gorgeous. I love all the flowers. You know it rained so much here in Ky that I had mushrooms growing in the garden, I have slugs in my bathroom, and my seedlings drowned. My garden didnt survive the wet spring at all. I am really tired of the slugs..and all the other creepy things that like water.
